While extended periods spent perched on our trusty thrones might grant comfort and convenience, research paints a worrisome picture – a sedentary lifestyle linked to various health concerns, even premature…
Think about it: Employees chained to uncomfortable office chairs all day. It’s no wonder their well-being and productivity suffer! While tips to fix uncomfortable chair are helpful, experts still recommend…
Workspaces shift but our need for a healthy, supportive office chair remains. Lumbar support is the cornerstone, aligning your spine and posture for optimal comfort and well-being. Let’s explore how…
Hip pain can be a major drag, especially when it strikes during long work hours. But before you resign yourself to suffering through the day, consider this: your office chair…
Modern computer chairs equipped with wheels are designed to provide maximum comfort and support for long periods of sitting. The wheels not only enhance mobility and flexibility but also play…

15 Helpful Standing Desk Accessories for Home Office

Many have taken advantage of standing desks to reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). But there are other ways to improve their ergonomic aspects. Check out our recommended standing desk accessories for a smoother workflow and better productivity. Top Standing Desk Additions Using a standing desk is an excellent way to break sedentary habits […]

8 mins read

Can Using a Standing Desk Help Lower Blood Pressure?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 1.28 billion adults between 30 to 79 years old have high blood pressure or hypertension. But high blood pressure is preventable. A balanced diet with reduced sodium and regular exercise, for example, are foolproof ways to control hypertension. Ditching sedentary habits at work, like prolonged sitting, can be […]

8 mins read

9 Tips to Prevent Computer Eye Strain for Office Workers

Global use of computers and smartphones for internet access continues to rise. According to January 2022 statistics, 4.95 billion individuals worldwide use the internet or over 60% of the world population. However, with advanced technologies come new consequences like computer eye strain. To avoid computer strain, office workers must make a few changes in computer use. Read […]

8 mins read