5 Health Risks Caused by Incorrect Desk Height
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5 Health Risks Caused by Incorrect Desk Height

In this article, we’ll explore how desk height can impact your comfort and health while working. We’ll uncover the potential health risks caused by incorrect desk height and provide practical solutions to prevent these issues from recurring.

Health Issues Caused by Incorrect Desk Height

lady with eye fatigue

1. Digital Eye Fatigue

A desk that is too high forces the eyes to strain to focus on the screen, resulting in blurry vision, headaches, and eye fatigue. Conversely, the lower position of the screen can force the eyes to keep moving upwards, further contributing to eye strain.

Adjust the desk to the proper height, ensuring that the elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle and the wrists are straight.

lady with back pain

2. Backache and Posture-related Pain

An elevated desk forces the user to lean back, which can strain the lower back muscles. A low desk forces the user to slouch, which can compress the spine and cause pain in the upper back and shoulders.

According to a journal article in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, musculoskeletal pain in office workers due to computer use is a prevalent issue, with neck and shoulder pain being the most common complaints. Risk factors for this pain include prolonged computer time, increased job demands, older age, and poor work posture.

Adjust the desk to the proper height, which should be elbow level.

lady with shoulder pain

3. Tension in the Shoulder and Neck

When the desk is too high, it forces the user to elevate their shoulders, leading to muscle strain and soreness in the neck and upper back. Headaches and fatigue can result because of the constant muscle tension.

On the flip side, a desk that’s too low encourages slouching, causing the shoulders to round forward and the neck to crane upwards. This poor posture can also cause pain and stiffness in the shoulders and neck, as well as headaches and fatigue.

The solution is to adjust your desk to the correct height and make sure that the elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle and the wrists are straight.

lady with lower back pain

4. Lower Body Pain

With a high desk, the user has to stand on their toes, which can strain the calf muscles and lead to foot pain. Standing too high can cause excessive pressure on the knees and hips, contributing to joint pain and discomfort.

A low desk encourages slouching, which can cause the knees to hyperextend and the hips to become tight. This improper posture can lead to pain in the knees, hips, and lower back.

Adjust the desk to the correct height, with the elbows bent at 90 degrees and the wrists straight.

woman experiencing fatigue

5. Productivity Slump and Fatigue

Standing desks can cause fatigue and reduced productivity if not used correctly. With a desk that is too high, the user needs to stand on their toes or strain their neck to see the monitor, leading to muscle fatigue and soreness.

Also, standing for extended periods without proper posture or breaks can cause blood to pool in the legs, resulting in fatigue and discomfort. A low desk makes the user slouch, which can compress the spine and restrict blood flow, further contributing to fatigue.

It is essential to adjust the desk to the correct height. Proper posture helps disperse weight throughout the body, minimising muscle strain and promoting blood circulation.

Taking regular breaks from standing, engaging in stretches, and using proper footwear can further ease fatigue and promote overall well-being and productivity.

What Is the Optimal Standing Desk Height?

Comcare suggests adjusting to the right height to avoid musculoskeletal problems. The optimal standing desk height is the height at which your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle when you are typing or using your mouse.

The average standing desk height is between 96 and 117 centimetres, but the ideal height for you will depend on your height and arm length.

woman working on standing desk

Factors to Consider:

Position of the feet: When you are standing at your desk, your feet should be flat on the floor and hip-width apart. Avoid standing on your toes or balls of your feet.

Position of the arms: There should be a 90-degree angle between your arm and forearm, wrists straight and elbows close to your sides.

Position of the elbows: Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle when you are typing or using your mouse.

Why Height Matters

Using a desk at the incorrect height can lead to various health issues, as discussed earlier. Therefore, the optimal height for your standing desk is imperative for maximising its benefits and minimising potential risks.

The ideal standing desk height ensures that your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle when typing or using a mouse, with your wrists straight and your elbows close to your sides.

This position promotes proper posture, reduces muscle strain, and aligns your neck and spine for optimal comfort.

What Are the Best Recliners for Back Pain?

When selecting a recliner for back pain, consider features that provide optimal support and comfort for your lumbar spine, the lower curve of your back.

Here are some of the best recliners for back pain:

  1. Human Touch Perfect Chair: It features an adjustable lumbar support system to fit your curve, ensuring proper spinal alignment and reducing pressure on the lower back.
  2. Svago Dual Power ZG Recliner: This recliner combines zero-gravity positioning, which elevates your legs and heart to the same level to reduce pressure on the spine, with an adjustable lumbar support system for targeted comfort.
  3. La-Z-Boy Pinnacle Recliner: This recliner provides excellent lumbar support with a built-in pillow system that conforms to the natural curve of your lower back. It also offers a range of reclining positions for added comfort.
  4. Homall PU Leather Massage Recliner Chair: It features adjustable lumbar support, heated massage functions, and a comfortable padded design to provide relief from back pain and promote relaxation.

Remember to try out different recliners before purchasing to ensure they provide the right support and comfort for your individual needs.

Final Thoughts

It is important to adjust your standing desk to the correct height to prevent back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and other health problems.

Danielle Edenworth
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